Thursday, December 19, 2013


I remember listening to "Private Eyes" sang by Hall and Oates in my mum's car when I was little. Every time I hear this song, it reminds me of my childhood.

I remember the smell of tea at the tea shop my mum used to go with my sister and me near my house. The tea smelled like masala tea and now it's my favorite.

I remember the smell of gasoline at petrol stations. My mum and sister used to tell me that they hated that smell but actually I loved it and I still do.

ふとしたきっかけで、昔の事を思い出す瞬間が好き。今日masala tea作ってる時に、あの独特な紅茶の匂いを嗅いでたら小さい頃よく行ってた紅茶屋さんのことを思い出して。NZでホームステイしてた時にファミリーが作ってくれたmasala teaを飲んで以来、ずーっと「masala tea飲むと懐かしい味するんだけど、なんで?」って思ってたからすごいスッキリ。毎日普通に生きてるけど、そのふとした瞬間を何年後かに何かのきっかけで思い出せたらいいな。うん、今日みたいに。

Sunday, October 13, 2013

When I was a teenager...

音楽(ていうか洋楽)に夢中になったのは小学校6年生の時。あのとき高校生だったお姉ちゃんが洋楽専門誌INROCKの社長の講演会に行ったのがきっかけで、私もINROCK読み始めるようになったんだよね。初めて買ったINROCKの表紙がGood Charlotteだったのを今でも覚えてる。今はあの頃みたいに「三度の飯よりも音楽!ラジオ!」みたいなパッションはないけど、やっぱり普段の生活の中で音楽は欠かせない。

すごいメジャーだけど、ほんとにマイケミとグリーンデイ大好きで四六時中彼らのことばっか考えてたのを覚えてる。よくパンク/エモなキッズが「彼らの音楽で私の人生救われたの」って言うように、私もまさにその一人だった。辛い時にマイケミの"I'm not okay"とグリーンデイの"Boulevard..."のビデオ何回見たんだろうか。アブリルも小柄なのにかっこ良くて、パンクな彼女が好きだったな。Paramoreも中学生のときにいつも聞いてたバンド。Hayleyみたいになりたくてボーカルレッスン通い始めたりして、"Pressure"いっぱいギターで弾き語りしてたのが懐かしい。

 2008年の記憶があんまりないけど、Boys Like GirlsとParamoreをよく聞いてた気がする。この頃って確かAll Time LowとかCute Is What We Aim For...みたいなバンドが人気でタワレコとかにいくと結構プッシュされてたな〜。

この頃からガールズバンドに興味持つようになって、今まで聞かないようなジャンルにも手を出すようになったっけ。The Likeを通じてGirl Group Sonds に出会えた時はすごい嬉しかった。
なんか長々と書いてしまったけど、こうやって振り返るといろんな事思い出す。コンサート行って出待ちしたり、スウェーデンのバンドが好きだからっていう理由でスウェ語習ったり、初めてグルーピーの人と友達になったりしたことあったな。当たり前のことかもだけど、やっぱり好きなものがあるから人生もっと楽しくなるんだよね。映画とか本でも人でも、新しいものに触れて何かを感じられる時がいちばん好き。さて、"Don't trust bitch in apartment 23"の続きでも見るか!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

American Horror Story

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of horror genre. I hate horror stories especially with creepy ghosts and bloody stuff but hey why can't I stop watching American Horror Story? When I first heard of this TV-series, I thought it was another typical horror story that I'd never ever watch. But out of curiosity, I watched the very first episode of season 1 and literally it blew me off.  I must say it was creepy and a bit scary but it definitely was worth watching it.

アメリカンホラーストーリーにハマってしまった。怖いの苦手だけど、ついつい続きを見たくなってしまうドラマ。なんか独特な雰囲気がちょっとTwin Peaksっぽいかなって思った。話の内容は全く違うし、共通点なんてないけどあの不気味な雰囲気は似てると思うな。

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I don't like to smile unless I have a reason

ずっと前からDariaが実写版になるのであればAubrey PlazaかEllen PageにDariaやってほしいなと思ってたらこの前こんな予告編を発見!JaneのイメージはどうしてもLizzy Caplanなんだけど、現実的にちょっと歳過ぎるよなぁー。



そういえばAubreyってScott PilgrimでAnna Kendrickと共演してたから仲いいみたいよね。いつも二人のtwitterでのやり取りが面白くて好き。

Friday, July 26, 2013


TaviちゃんがAubreyにインタビューした時は"Hand Job"ってタイトルだったけど、"The To Do List"に変わったのね。AubreyのちょっとDariaみたいな雰囲気が大好き。ちなみにAlia Shawkatも主演してるけど、彼女Ellen Pageとかとも共演してたし個性が強い女優さんの友達役すごい似合ってると思う。実生活でも仲いいみたいだしね。

この映画も気になる。Ellen Pageがツイートしててこの映画知ったんだけど、良さそう。

ギルモアガールズでの印象が強いAlexis Bledelが出てる映画。最初予告編見たときAlexisが出ててびっくりしちゃった。

Sky Highの時からMichael Angaranoのファンだったけど、Kristen Stewartと別れた後からあんまり活躍してなかったからどうしてるのかな?と思ってたらJuno Templeと共演してたんだね。ちなみに個人的にMichaelとKristenのカップル好きだったんだけどな〜。Speakで共演して以来結構長い間つき合ってたよね、たしか。

映画化されるって聞いたときどんなふうになるんだろう?って思ったけど、予告編見る感じ良さそう。なんとサイモン演じるのがMisfitsのRobert Sheehanだから結構嬉しい。主人公のLily CollinsとJamie Campbell Bowerは実際につき合ってるらしいけど、やっぱりこういう映画で共演するキャストって恋に落ちやすいのかしら。

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dancing on my own

Everyday I listen to music while I'm walking to the bus stop to go to school and cannot help thinking of myself dancing like crazy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

90's tv-shows

My So Called Life 
 I love every episode of "My So Called Life". There are so many things I can relate to Angela and I wish I could've watched this when I was around her age.

Freaks and Geeks  
I don't know where to start but I have to say theme song describes this show pretty well! Not only the story but also the cast is just awesome. I'm pretty sure even if I get older, I'd still watch this show over and over again because how can I get sick of it? 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
It sounds lame but I finally started watching this show and have finished season 1 a few days ago. Dunno why but I thought this show would be one of the typical vampire story but yeah, I was definitely wrong. I really love the character of Buffy. She's so strong and even though she has to face a lot of tough things by herself(well her friends do support her but not physically I suppose), she never gives up.

Twin Peaks.
THIS SHOW IS SIMPLY SO ADDICTIVE. Every time I watch this, I feel like having a cup of coffee with doughnuts(you know what I mean right?). Haha. Personally I prefer season 1 and to be honest didn't really like the ending of season 2 but still the story will make you feel so thrilled.

Clarissa Explains It All. 
Actually haven't seen this one yet so I'd love to start watching it after finishing all the seasons of Buffy! 90's colorful fashion seems cool.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ombre hair

After getting a perm, now I feel like I wanna try ombre hair! Actually it took me a while to decide whether I should get the perm or not since I was a bit worried that it would damage my hair a lot but it turned out to be totally fine! :D In fact, I've never dyed my hair so I'd love to try something like this someday(maybe soonish?)....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Carolina Raquel Antich


Friday, May 31, 2013

Triple 8

Finally I'll be on break for a week! Tomorrow I'm heading to Christchurch to see my sis who is visiting me from Australia(which makes me feel too excited that I might do something crazy).

I keep dancing like this in my head.

The other day one of the lectures told us in the class that 8 hours of sleep, study and having fun is important in our lives which is quite true, isn't it? We've got 24 hours a day so we should make the most of it. But now I'm so ready to enjoy myself for 1 week without thinking about assignments and other things! Oh yes, my lovely holiday here it comes.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wisdom teeth




my mad fat diaryのエピソード5みたいな。


I got my wisdom teeth removed today! I was so nervous before the operation since it was my first time to have a surgery but i think it went well even though I got 4 teeth extracted at once. Luckily I don't really feel pain anymore which is such a relief(thank gosh). But coming out of anesthesia felt a bit weird and it made me feel dizzy and a little bit sick as well. If using drug makes you feel that way, I can't really understand those ppl who takes drug and enjoy at the party...What's so fun about it?! Anyways, just to make sure, I've never done drug before and would never ever wanna try it even if Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr asked me to do it in my sweet dreams!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Mindy Project 



I've been watching these three tv-series. I love all of them but Mindy Project is really funny. Actually I just read Mindy Kaling's book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? as well which made me like her even more. If you wanna read something deep and funny at the same time, this book is definitely what you're looking for! 

I like drinking coffee alone, and reading alone. 
I like riding the bus alone, and walking home alone. 

It gives me time to think, and set my mind free. 
I like eating alone, and listening to music alone. 

But when I see a mother with her child, a girl with her lover, or a friend laughing with their best friend, I realize that even though I like being alone, I don’t fancy being lonely. The sky is beautiful, but the people are sad. I just need someone who won’t run away.
(source: here)

This poem is simply amazing. This is how I feel literally. Maybe I'm just spending too much time by myself but I like being alone since that's when I often find the answers I'm looking for.  

Btw I finally started Pinterest. If you're interested, pls follow me!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New start



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dance, dance, dance

I'd love to dance in front of strangers but the thing is I suck at dancing :( Well...maybe I should try this instead. Haha, Emma Stone nailed it!

Frankieの雑誌読んでてAmy Borrellのファンになっちゃった。

Friday, April 5, 2013

Sweet home


I wanna live in a house like that someday.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


大学も休みに入って、あと2週間ゆっくりできるわけだけど逆にやることがなーんもないので本でも読もうかな〜と考え中。怖い話は苦手だけど、最近すごいStephen Kingの本読みたくなってきたから"On Writing"でも読もうかな。あと前からずっと読みたかったJacqueline Susannの"Valley of the Dolls"も読まなきゃ!

Going to Welly with my friend today! We totally forgot it's easter break so maybe the city must be quite now but hopefully there will be at least something to see and do :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Book cover
