Monday, December 17, 2012


JAPAN! Everything is perfect here. I just love everything.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Off to Indonesia in 1 hour :) I'm gonna stay there for 1 week and after that, I'll go back to Japan for 3 weeks. I'm so excited to go back home for the first time in one year and a half!


Monday, November 5, 2012


Thursday, October 18, 2012


最近気になってるアニメが2つあるんだけど、その1つがKing of the Hill。 TaviちゃんのサイトRookieで紹介されてて、ちょうど面白いアニメないかなぁ〜と思ってたとこだからさっそく見てみようかな。

このアニメと同じクリエイターMike Judgeによって創作されたBeavis and Butt-Headも前から気になってたんだよね。ちなみにアニメDariaはこのBeavis and Butt-headのスピンオフだったみたいです。




Monday, October 15, 2012

Flight of the Conchords

何ヶ月か前にニュージーランド出身のコメディアンFlight of the Conchordsをオークランドまで見に行ったんだけど、その時の感想まだ書いてなかったからアップしま〜す。
ちなみにFOTCはBret MckenzieとJemaine Clementの二人組でアメリカのTV番組 "Flight of the Conchords"で一気に知名度が上がって、CDとかも出したりしてます。その番組では主にニュージーをネタにしてるんだけど、それがほんとに面白い。ストーリーは歌とかも入りながら進んでいくんだけど、歌詞が最高すぎてやばいです。ちなみに大学にいる先生がまだ彼らが有名じゃなかった時に一緒に写真撮ったことがあったり、キーウィの友達も実際彼らと会ったことがある子とかもいてらやっぱNZは狭い国だな〜と思いました(笑)



あ、コンサートでびっくりしたのがJemaineとBretが友達(男)のプロポーズを手伝ったっていうこと。歌ってる最中に突然Bretが「ちょっとまって、サプライズがあるんだ」って言って、Jemaineと一緒に大きい白いボードを持ってきてそこには"will you marry me?"っていうすてきな言葉が書いてあって、それを見た観客からの歓声がすごかった。そんなラッキーな友達は見事彼女にオッケーをもらってハッピーエンディングでした。自分が好きなバンドとかアーティストのコンサートでそんなロマンチックでサプライズなプロポーズをされるなんて贅沢すぎますよねー。

そういえばBretが出演してる新しい映画がこっちでは公開してます。その名もTwo Little Boys 。Jemaineが出演してるEagle vs Sharkが個人的にはベストです。


私が通っている大学はWellingtonからバスで2時間ぐらいかかるPalmerston Northというど田舎にあります。街からバスで 10分もかからない所にあるので便利といえば便利ですが、土日は最終のバスが4時40分しかなくてとても不便なんですよね。羊とか牛がたくさんいて農業が盛んな田舎なのでバスの数も少ないし、車がないと自由に身動きできないです。日本にいた時によく海外ではどこのお店も早く閉まるって聞いていたけど、日本での何の不自由もない生活が当たり前になっていた自分は最初こっちにきた時、ほんとこんな所で頑張れるのかな〜と思いました。実際もうそんな生活にも慣れたけど、映画好きな私にとっては土日にショッピングした後ふらっと映画館に行けないのが辛いです。平日はちゃんと夜の9時15分ぐらいまでバスがあるので安心して映画も観られるんですけどね(マイナーな映画だと一人で観に行くことが多いけど)。



だから(良い意味でも悪い意味でも)ファッションにはあんまり気を遣わなくなったし、日本に いると皆お洒落な人ばっかりだから見えないプレッシャーみたいなのがある気がします。もちろん、お洒落することも大事だし楽しいですけどね。12月に1年半ぶりに日本へ帰国するのでその時は買い物ばっかりすると思いますが。やっぱり日本でのショッピングは一番!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

カップルでこういうことできたら素敵よね。おもしろそう! Isn't it nice to do these kind of stuff with your boyfriend? Looks so much fun aye.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


i'm crazy in love with her<3

Friday, July 13, 2012

Random photos

I was playing with my camera and ended up trying light painting. I guess I should do it with many people next time so that we can draw something with the light. It should be fun aye.

Sheep? Lord of the Rings? Countryside?

It's been 2 years since I came to New Zealand. Before coming here, I had no idea what New Zealand was like because I couldn't picture anything. But now I get used to living here and I feel like New Zealand is a bit too small. Of course I like this country since it's quite and peaceful unlike the busiest country, Japan. :P But if I had to live here for the rest of my life, I would definitely choose another country.....I mean I prefer bigger countries(Dear kiwi friends, I'm sorry but that's my honest opinion). BUT I like traveling around New Zealand. The scenery is just so beautiful and it's quite safe here so it's a perfect place to travel alone especially for girls like me. :D I'll leave here in 2 years so cannot wait to travel more cities. But first, have to improve my English skill more....Well I feel like my speaking skill hasn't gotten better at all so have to do something about it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Little dreams

Since I went to Vietnam last year, I've been thinking about traveling somewhere else. Seriously, I'd love to go traveling around the world because it is so exciting to go somewhere I'm not familiar with. But to do that, I need a lot of money so I really should find a part-time job. Oh well....I always dream about something but then I usually end up without doing anything but dreaming all day. So this time I need to take action :P Typical me.
Okay, I just decided that I'm going to give my CV to some cafes next week. Nothing will happen if I continue to wait, right?

Saturday, July 7, 2012


1. Heavenly creatures 2. Mary&Max 3. The Breakfast Club 4. Sisterhood of the traveling pants 5. Tanner Hall 

Sometimes friends can be mean and annoying but also they can be wonderful and supportive. They may hurt us, betray us, lie to us straight to our faces but without them life could be pretty boring. Haha why am I writing about this anyway? Well it's because my friend asked me during the lunch time "what are friends for?" but I couldn't answer anything then because nothing came up to my mind, really. So I've been thinking about it and now I think friends are who grow up together and can learn something new through each other. 
I'm already a university student and thought life could be different from high school because I was expecting to meet more "interesting" people. But in reality, in my university there are some people who are selfish and some people are the one I find it hard to talk to because they just like taking about gossiping and stupid stuff like "she is such a b*tch or blah blah blah". It seems like all they talk about is bad things. :( But still I found some good friends and I often learn something from them so I guess I'm growing up little by little. Friendship can be tough sometimes but it's worth trying to get to know new friends aye. 

って突然自分何書いてるんだろうw 文法もちょっとおかしいとこあるけど、まぁ意味が伝わればいっか。最近映画ばっかり見てるからなんかフレンドシップのことについて考えてたというね。ついこの間Mary and Max見たからこの影響かしら。色んな意味で衝撃的な映画だったけど、すごい内容が美しかった。映像もそうだったけど、こういうアニメってやっぱり良いなって思う。

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Young Johnny Depp and Mary Stuart Masterson<3

lazy ass

I know I have to finish my assignments but I'm being lazy as usual. 

Friday, June 22, 2012


I DECIDED TO GO TO SEE THEM IN AUCKLAND NEXT SATURDAY! Actually I wasn't planning to see them at first because they were going to play only on Friday and Sunday but a couple of days ago they added a new date which was SATURDAY. When I heard about it, I thought I had to go to see them. Well I'm going there alone so I'm a bit nervous though. It's my very first time to stay in the backpacker by myself but I guess it's gonna be a good experience anyways. :)

Flight of the Conchrodsのライブ来週の土曜日に見に行く事にしました!!!!最初は金曜日と日曜日しかオークランドの公演なかったから、授業あるしPalmyからAuckland遠いし諦めてたらなんと数日前に土曜日の公演も追加ってことを聞いてもうこれは行くしかないと思って。一人で行くからめっちゃドキドキしてるけど。コンサート日本では一人で行ったことあるけどこっち来てから初めてだ。映画とかなら普通にこっちでも一人で見に行くけどね。まぁともかく楽しみ!写真とか動画も撮影オッケーだろうから、今から既にいっぱい撮る気満々です。

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sayoko Yamaguchi

I love the way she talks! It sounds so soft and beautiful. Too bad she already passed away.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things I miss....

Here's the list of things I miss from Japan.

1. Definitely sweets!
Japan has so many kind of sweets like crepe, fabulous cakes, and parfait. I didn't think I'd miss those kind of stuff before I came to New Zealand but now I'm dying to try them. I think they taste so amazing...not too sweet, not too bitter.

2. Japanese sweets.
Since I'm doing tea ceremony at the college, I drink Japanese green tea at every practice so it makes me miss the real Japanese sweets. Oh....the taste of the red bean paste....I miss it so bad.

3. UNIQLO(the clothing shop).
Seriously, it's just awesome we can get cheap and good quality stuff at UNIQLO. Here, if I wanna buy good ones I have to spend a lot of money, which is just ridiculous since the quality isn't that good. :(

4. Bookstores.
It's hard to find magazines I'm looking for here...I still can get Frankie magazine so it's all good but sometimes I wish there were bigger bookstores.

Hahaha. I feel like I'm complaining a lot but I can't help it especially when I'm away from my own country. :P


Friday, June 8, 2012

No matter what they say

addicted to the tv-show "Smash". :) "Glee" is also a good tv-show but I like "Smash" better. Maybe it's just because I'm getting Now I totally feel like going to NY and see some broadways.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We are infinite


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Do do do do do

cute :)


ちなみにオークランドで暇な時間が多かったからDark Shadow見てきたけど、ビクトリア役の女の子のファッションが可愛いかった。ストーリーとしては普通だったけどキャストが豪華だったから見れて満足!

Went to Auckland for 3 days with my Indonesian friend. It's been a year since I visited there last time so I really enjoyed it and was so happy to go to Starbucks all the time since we don't have any in Palmerston North. Actually we weren't really interested into shopping so we had quite a lot of free time and ended up watching Dark Shadow in the cinema :P Now time to go back to study and finish all the assignments!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

teenage dream

Well if u just wanna watch the singing part, go to 1:11.

I kinda had a crush on him when I first watched him in "Glee" but after watching these videos, my heart melted. Hahaha it's such a cliche but it's true. The way he sings made me smile because he really does look happy when he's singing. In fact he reminded me of old days when I was younger and had this passion for the music. I think I found the missing piece I've been looking for....Thanks, Darren!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Swimming pool

If I were rich enough, I'd definitely want a swimming pool on the top of apartment. I know it's kinda weird but I used to look up the top of apartments whenever I was in car in Japan because I liked doing it. Plus I had nothing better to do in the car since I wasn't the one who was driving.
