Saturday, July 7, 2012


1. Heavenly creatures 2. Mary&Max 3. The Breakfast Club 4. Sisterhood of the traveling pants 5. Tanner Hall 

Sometimes friends can be mean and annoying but also they can be wonderful and supportive. They may hurt us, betray us, lie to us straight to our faces but without them life could be pretty boring. Haha why am I writing about this anyway? Well it's because my friend asked me during the lunch time "what are friends for?" but I couldn't answer anything then because nothing came up to my mind, really. So I've been thinking about it and now I think friends are who grow up together and can learn something new through each other. 
I'm already a university student and thought life could be different from high school because I was expecting to meet more "interesting" people. But in reality, in my university there are some people who are selfish and some people are the one I find it hard to talk to because they just like taking about gossiping and stupid stuff like "she is such a b*tch or blah blah blah". It seems like all they talk about is bad things. :( But still I found some good friends and I often learn something from them so I guess I'm growing up little by little. Friendship can be tough sometimes but it's worth trying to get to know new friends aye. 

って突然自分何書いてるんだろうw 文法もちょっとおかしいとこあるけど、まぁ意味が伝わればいっか。最近映画ばっかり見てるからなんかフレンドシップのことについて考えてたというね。ついこの間Mary and Max見たからこの影響かしら。色んな意味で衝撃的な映画だったけど、すごい内容が美しかった。映像もそうだったけど、こういうアニメってやっぱり良いなって思う。

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