Tuesday, June 22, 2010


YESSS! I WILL GO TO OHIO IN JULY TO SEE MY FRIEND KAYLA! I'll go there by myself which makes me feel nervous but also excited.It's my 2nd time to go there so it's gonna be alright,I hope.Anyways,I'm so stoked about this little trip! Kayla and her amazing mom are taking me to New York, which means my dream come true.I've always wanted to go there and now I finally can go.How awesome it is.But before I get too excited I have to buy the air plane tickets on the internet.It must be kinda expensive but who cares.Ohio, see you in a month!!!

Oh, I just remembered that Story of the Year is playing the show in Nagoya tonight.I guess Dan is rocking in Yaba-cho now.Actually I wanted to go to see them but I was so tired and didn't have enough energy so I gave up on going.Well it was on my b-day when I saw them last time, I think.And he said to me "Happy Birthday".Wow,I used to be such a concert freak.I haven't been to any concerts lately though.Ha.


あっ、今日は名古屋でStory of the Yearのライブだ。今頃Danが叫んでるんだろうなぁ、矢場町の真ん中で。行きたかったけど今日は疲れたし、そんな気力なかったからあきらめた…。前回見た時は確か私の誕生日で、お祝いの言葉言ってもらったっけ。青春してたなー、あの頃は。最近全くライブご無沙汰だよ。でも今はスクリーモ生で聞く気分じゃないしな。

1 comment:

  1. 1年とか凄いっっ!!結構話せるんじゃないですか:D??好きになったのは...行ったことないんで写真とか映像とか文字でしか見たこと無いんですがあの湖と森でできてる別世界のような雰囲気とかそれが作り出す(?)雑貨とかに魅了されたんです。音楽もすきです!後、ムーミンも!笑Ayanoさんは??
