Friday, July 26, 2013


TaviちゃんがAubreyにインタビューした時は"Hand Job"ってタイトルだったけど、"The To Do List"に変わったのね。AubreyのちょっとDariaみたいな雰囲気が大好き。ちなみにAlia Shawkatも主演してるけど、彼女Ellen Pageとかとも共演してたし個性が強い女優さんの友達役すごい似合ってると思う。実生活でも仲いいみたいだしね。

この映画も気になる。Ellen Pageがツイートしててこの映画知ったんだけど、良さそう。

ギルモアガールズでの印象が強いAlexis Bledelが出てる映画。最初予告編見たときAlexisが出ててびっくりしちゃった。

Sky Highの時からMichael Angaranoのファンだったけど、Kristen Stewartと別れた後からあんまり活躍してなかったからどうしてるのかな?と思ってたらJuno Templeと共演してたんだね。ちなみに個人的にMichaelとKristenのカップル好きだったんだけどな〜。Speakで共演して以来結構長い間つき合ってたよね、たしか。

映画化されるって聞いたときどんなふうになるんだろう?って思ったけど、予告編見る感じ良さそう。なんとサイモン演じるのがMisfitsのRobert Sheehanだから結構嬉しい。主人公のLily CollinsとJamie Campbell Bowerは実際につき合ってるらしいけど、やっぱりこういう映画で共演するキャストって恋に落ちやすいのかしら。

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dancing on my own

Everyday I listen to music while I'm walking to the bus stop to go to school and cannot help thinking of myself dancing like crazy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

90's tv-shows

My So Called Life 
 I love every episode of "My So Called Life". There are so many things I can relate to Angela and I wish I could've watched this when I was around her age.

Freaks and Geeks  
I don't know where to start but I have to say theme song describes this show pretty well! Not only the story but also the cast is just awesome. I'm pretty sure even if I get older, I'd still watch this show over and over again because how can I get sick of it? 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
It sounds lame but I finally started watching this show and have finished season 1 a few days ago. Dunno why but I thought this show would be one of the typical vampire story but yeah, I was definitely wrong. I really love the character of Buffy. She's so strong and even though she has to face a lot of tough things by herself(well her friends do support her but not physically I suppose), she never gives up.

Twin Peaks.
THIS SHOW IS SIMPLY SO ADDICTIVE. Every time I watch this, I feel like having a cup of coffee with doughnuts(you know what I mean right?). Haha. Personally I prefer season 1 and to be honest didn't really like the ending of season 2 but still the story will make you feel so thrilled.

Clarissa Explains It All. 
Actually haven't seen this one yet so I'd love to start watching it after finishing all the seasons of Buffy! 90's colorful fashion seems cool.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ombre hair

After getting a perm, now I feel like I wanna try ombre hair! Actually it took me a while to decide whether I should get the perm or not since I was a bit worried that it would damage my hair a lot but it turned out to be totally fine! :D In fact, I've never dyed my hair so I'd love to try something like this someday(maybe soonish?)....