Sunday, April 22, 2012

Before 20

Here's the things I wanna do before I become 20. Yup, I'll get older in a month and I wanted to make to-do-list for that.

1. getting a second hole in my ear
I just got pierced for the first time last week and I'm dying to get another one. It's not like I became this "punk rock" chick but it'll be amazing if I could wear different types of piercing for fun :) So exciting right?

2. being able to make up nicely
Haha it sounds silly but I suck at doing make up since I haven't done it that much in my life. So I definitely should get make-up skills before I turn into 20.

3. losing my virginity. well, just kidding! :P Learning how to wear Yukata.
Sorry about my dirty jokes. lol Anyways, since I'm in tea ceremony club I have to remember how to wear it.

It's so weird I won't be a teenager anymore...I don't know why but I always loved the word "teenager" because it sounded so special and young. It's not like I don't wanna get older but it's been so great for me as being a teenager.

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